Embedded RRAM - Page 3

Weebit Nano completed its first embedded RRAM module design and tape-out

Israel-based RRAM developer Weebit Nano announced that it completed the design and the tape-out of its first embedded RRAM module. This integrated test-chip will be used as the final platform for testing and qualification, ahead of customer production.

Weebit Nano embedded-RRAM test chip scheme

Weebit says that it has used its patent-pending analog and digital smart circuitry to significantly enhance the array's technical parameters, including speed, retention and endurance. The test chip comprises a full sub-system in which the module is embedded, enabling potential customers to use it as a development and prototyping platform for new products such as low-energy IoT devices.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 14,2021

Weebit Nano developed an ReRAM cell integrated with an OTS selector

Israel-based RRAM developer Weebit Nano announced that it has developed the world's first commercial integration of an oxide-based ReRAM (OxRAM) cell with an ovonic threshold switching (OTS) selector. Weebit says that this is a critical step in the company's commercialization path for the discrete (standalone) memory market (which they hope to achieve by 2024).

Weebit Nano ReRAM+OTS cell cross section

The selector is a key element in a memory chip as it enables optimized cell access within the memory array. Weebit developed the technology for the integration together with its development partner CEA-Leti. Weebit says that this technology will broaden its target market beyond embedded memory to include discrete memory technology. In future architectures, the company aims to implement 3D memory stacking and crossbar architectures.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 26,2021

sureCore and Intrinsic collaborate to bring embedded RRAM to market

IC designer sureCore announced an agreement with UK-based RRAM developer Intrinsic to bring high-performance embedded RRAM to market. The two companies will deliver commercial memory solutions using sureCore's patented memory architectures and Intrinsic,s novel RRAM cell.

Using a combination of Intrinsic's CMOS compatible technology and sureCore's high-performance, low power memory architectures will enable an accelerated development process and delivery of this new embedded non-volatile memory to be realized.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 13,2021

Weebit Nano raises a further $12 million AUD to accelerate its R&D and commercialization

Israel-based RRAM developer Weebit Nano announced it has raised $12 million AUD in its recent placement. The company says that its new funds will enable it to accelerate its commercialisation initiatives, including strengthening its technology, engineering and sales teams and increasing marketing activities in the embedded memory market. A non-underwritten share purchase plan to raise up to $3 million will be offered to eligible shareholders on the same terms as the Placement.

Weebit packaged RRAM chip photo

Weebit says it remains on track to achieve its first commercial agreement by mid-2021. Weebit Nano will also be able to accelerate the next phase of standalone memory development across both the technical and commercial aspects to fast track deployment, whilst also developing the next generation of its neuromorphic demo.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 25,2020

Dialog Semi to license its CBRAM memory technology to GlobalFoundries

Dialog Semiconductor announced that it has has entered into an agreement with GlobalFoundries in which Dialog licenses its Conductive Bridging RAM (CBRAM) technology to GF. Dialog's RRAM technology was pioneered by Adesto Technologies which was recently acquired by Dialog Semiconductor in 2020.

GF will first offer Dialog's CBRAM as an embedded, non-volatile memory (NVM) option on its 22FDX platform, with the plan to extend to other platforms. Dialog's proprietary and production proven CBRAM technology is a low power NVM solution designed to enable a range of applications from IoT and 5G connectivity to artificial intelligence (AI).

Read the full story Posted: Oct 20,2020

TSMC expects first customer RRAM tapeouts in H2 2020

TSMC is developing RRAM technologies for several years, and the company first hoped to introduce its first embedded RRAM in 2019. This did not happen, but the company says it is now on track for first customer tape-outs in the second half of 2020.

TSMC will offer RRAM on its 40nm and 22nm manufacturing processes.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 26,2020

Yole: RRAM will return to the stand alone SCM race by 2020

Market analyst firm Yole Developpement presents its latest next-generation memory forecasts in an interesting new article. The company says that following more than 15 years of development, PCM is finally taking off in stand-alone applications due to strong support from Intel and Micron.

Emerging NVM market (2018-2023, Yole)

While STT-MRAM is expected to lead the embedded memory race, Yole says that Stand-alone RRAM will try to catch market share to PCM on SCM application. RRAM was actually expected to be the first stand-alone technology to compete with 3D XPoint, but it has suffered repeated delays due to technical challenges. Yole expects RRAM to "return to the race for SCM" after 2020, and possibly start competing with NAND for mass storage applications.

Read the full story Posted: Dec 04,2018

DB HiTek licenses Adesto's CBRAM technology for 180nm

Adesto Technologies announced that DB HiTek (formerly known as Dongbu HiTek) has licensed its RRAM (CBRAM) memory technology. DB HiTek will use Adesto's RRAM as its embedded non-volatile memory for IoT and other ultra-low power customer designs.

DB HiTek is a South Korea based analog and mixed-signal foundry, and it will use Adesto's technology at 180nm. DB HiTek says that Adesto's CBRAM operates at lower voltages, consumes less power and requires fewer processing steps compared to conventional embedded flash technologies.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 20,2018

Adesto, HLMC and Crocus Nano Electronics to co-develop new devices based on Adesto's RRAM memory technology

Adesto, Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation (HLMC) and Crocus Nano Electronics (CNE) announced a collaboration to develop new RFID and microcontrollers products based on Adesto's RRAM memory technology (CBRAM).

The three companies say that the combination of RRAM with HLMC's 55nm ultra-low-power front-end process and CNE's 300 mm back-end processing will enable cost-effective embedded and standalone RRAM devices.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 01,2018