July 2024

Weebit Nano and DB HiTek tape out their first 130nm RRAM demonstration chip

In October 2023 RRAM developer Weebit Nano announced that it has signed a licensing agreement with DB HiTek, a Korean-based foundry (said to be one of the world's top 10 foundries). The commercial agreement includes technology transfer, qualification and licensing.

Weebit Nano chip photo

Yesterday Weebit announced together with DB HiTek that it has taped-out (released to manufacturing) a demonstration chip integrating Weebit’s embedded RRAM module in DB HiTek’s 130nm Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) process. The highly integrated demo chips will be used for testing and qualification ahead of customer production, while demonstrating the performance and robustness of Weebit’s technology.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 31,2024

Visionox, Sunrise Display Microelectronics and Hefei Reliance Memory develop the world's first AMOLED driver with RRAM memory

China-based OLED producer Visionox, together with Sunrise Display Microelectronics and Hefei Reliance Memory, developed the world's firs AMOLED device driver that is powered by RRAM memory. 

All AMOLED drivers on the market use a combination of SRAM memory, OTP (one-time programmable memory) and external Flash memory (for non-volatile memory), mostly to perform the Demura compensation function. The RRAM memory enables lower cost of production, higher efficiency - and smaller area.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 29,2024 - 2 comments

Researchers design a versatile compact RRAM model that can model different types of RRAM devices

Researchers from The University of California, Berkeley, designed a new versatile compact RRAM model that can model different types of RRAM devices such as oxide-RRAM (OxRAM) and conducting-bridge-RRAM (CBRAM). 

The researchers say that their new model unifies the switching mechanisms of these RRAMs into a single framework. The researchers showcase the model’s accuracy in reproducing published experimental device DC and transient characteristics of various RRAM structures. They also demonstrated the model’s efficacy in capturing RRAM variability and conducting 1T1R circuit simulations.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 18,2024